Sunday, December 28, 2008

Lovely Bella

While I was on Fanpop this afternoon I came across an intriguing fanfic that the author is allowing me to share with you guys.

The story's current title is Lovely Bella and the year is 1928. The characters are all the same, but all of the Cullens are vampires by then and Edward has been a vampire for 10 years. Bella was changed 200 years earlier and is Aro's "daughter". This shows the Cullens coming to visit the Volturi and Edward soon meets Bella. It's kind of obvious where it goes from there, but it's interesting none the less.

If you leave your comments on Cullenboys I will happily relay them to the author if you wish or you can review it on

*I will tell you now that I am NOT THE AUTHOR*

Real author here (Twilighter19)

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

UPDATE: Chapter 6

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Youtube Playlist

I have recently created a playlist on youtube for Twilight videos. As I find more that intrigue me I will be adding them to the playlist. You can view it here on my youtube channel.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Bella's Lullaby Sheet Music

For those of you piano players, Someone on youtube has arranged their version of Carter Burwell's lullaby for piano. I, myself am a piano player and have tested out the sheet music and it seems pretty close to the real thing. Here is the links to the sheet music:

page 1

page 2

Video of the music being played (no, it's not me):

In my opinion they played it a bit fast and could have slowed it down a little bit but otherwise a wonderful job.

I'm Back with updates!!

Okay, now that I'm out of school for break I can finally get some posts in.

First up: Today is Stephenie Meyer's BIRTHDAY!!!! Happy Birthday Stephenie!

Next: Robert Pattinson got a hair cut......

When I first saw this I seriously didn't recognize him. I still think he looks awesome, but not for the movie!! For the time being I'm remaining optimistic in hopes of that it will grow out by the time he is needed for filming. To view more photos of Rob and his new hairdo go here.

Also Hot Topic yet again has new Twilight related apparel and gear. They are now starting a couture line which you can view here.

Update on the Official Site of Stephenie Meyer:


December 17, 2008

Stephenie's publicist Elizabeth asked me to post the following announcement:

It has come to our attention that there are several people on social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook pretending to be Stephenie. The only site besides that Stephenie has is a MySpace site at Only announcements on this website and Stephenie's official MySpace page should be considered legitimate. Please note, due to the overwhelming number of e-mails she receives on her MySpace page, Stephenie is unable to answer e-mails.

Also, Stephenie is aware of the numerous Twilight conventions happening next year. It is exciting to see so many fans wanting to celebrate the books together. However, these conventions are not authorized or endorsed by Stephenie and she will not be attending any of the conventions. We hope that fans enjoy the conferences, but wanted to make this distinction so people weren't spending money under the assumption that Stephenie would be in attendance.

While I'm posting, I wanted to take a minute to congratulate everyone involved in the production of Twilight the movie. If you haven't been following the box office statistics, I would suggest checking them out on The success really has been phenomenal, so congrats to everyone at Summit, the very talented actors, and everyone else involved in the making of the film!

And on a slightly unrelated note, I forgot to post a link to the Twilight: The Score when it was released last week (this is separate from the soundtrack, and the only song that is on both is "Bella's Lullaby"). It has been receiving great reviews on-line, so I went to listen to some of the samples at (link above) and it is extremely good. If you are still looking for gifts for the holidays, this might be a good one for anyone who enjoyed the movie.

We at want to wish everyone a happy holiday season. We appreciate you visiting our site. Please be safe and have an enjoyable few weeks.



Happy Holidays Everyone!! Hope everyone is having a good break!


Monday, December 15, 2008

Special Post!! Message from Chris Weitz: Director of New Moon

     Dear fans of Twilight, New Moon, Bella, Edward and Jacob,

In the past few days I have been involved in a whirlwind romance with Stephenie Meyers' extraordinary books.

And I am very grateful to have received her permission to protect New Moon in its translation from the page to the screen.

For fans of the books and of the film of Twilight, this may come as an unexpected twist. So I want to write briefly to try to put you at ease, and to give you reason to hope for and expect the best.

For the last decade of my career as a director, I have chosen to make adaptations of complex and involved works of literature. This has always begun with the love of a book and its characters, story, and theme; and it has always involved a respect of and responsiveness to the feelings of other people who loved those books.

When I saw the film of Twilight, I was alternately entranced and left hungry for more. I was also struck by the extraordinary passion for the characters, story and theme that was evident in the people sitting in the seats around me. My job is to live up to that devotion.

Like many of you, I am a fan of Catherine Hardwicke's work. I can't really say much about why she is not doing New Moon because I wasn't involved in those decisions. But I can say that I will devote myself to making the very best and most faithful version of New Moon that can be brought to the screen. To those who doubt that as a male director I can capture Bella's experience, I can only say that emotion is universal and that my work has often involved working with some of the most talented actresses in the world.

For the rest, the proof will have to be in the pudding. But I promise to remain responsive to your hopes and fears.

I thank you for this opportunity and for your faith.

Very best,

Chris Weitz 

Summit Entertainment
1630 Stewart Street
Suite 120
Santa Monica, CA 90404

Monday, December 8, 2008

Many of you are probably wondering....

Most likely many of you have been asking yourselves: "Why hasn't there been any updates? Where is the news??!!". Well here's my answer. As of right now I'm buried alive in a pile of textbooks trying to retain information that may just help me pass my semester finals. I'm sorry to say that I'm not going to be posting anything over the next 2 weeks or so. Until this craziness is over, Cullenboys is on lockdown. If I happen to magically have time and sign online and notice anything huge going on, then I'll buy some time and make a quick post, but not likely. I'll see you in 2 weeks! Happy Holidays!



The Official site of Stephenie Meyer has been updated with special movie news regarding the director of New Moon:


***December 7, 2008***

Since we always try to keep everybody informed about everything going on in movie news, here is another press release from Summit Entertainment:


Los Angeles, CA, December 7, 2008 — Summit Entertainment and director Catherine Hardwicke jointly announced today that the filmmaker will not be directing the next installment in the newly minted TWILIGHT film franchise. Summit's targeted end of 2009 or early 2010 release of the film, NEW MOON, does not work with Ms. Hardwicke's required prep time to bring her vision of the film to the big screen. Thus as has been done before with many successful film franchises, the studio will employ a new director for NEW MOON.

"I am sorry that due to timing I will not have the opportunity to direct NEW MOON," said Hardwicke. "Directing TWILIGHT has been one of the great experiences of my life, and I am grateful to the fans for their passionate support of the film. I wish everyone at Summit the best with the sequel—it is a great story."

"Catherine did an incredible job in helping us to launch the TWILIGHT franchise and we thank her for all of her efforts and we very much hope to work with her on future Summit projects," said Erik Feig, Summit's President of Production. "We as a studio have a mandate to bring the next installment in the franchise to the big screen in a timely fashion so that fans can get more of Edward, Bella and all of the characters that Stephenie Meyer has created. We are able to pursue an aggressive time frame as we have the luxury of only adapting the novels into screenplays as opposed to having to create a storyline from scratch."


Lets hope that the new director will do a good job taking the story on as a movie and won't butcher it for the fans.

Poll Updates:

The results are in for the poll question: What is your favorite book in the Twilight saga?

60 (31%)
New Moon
4 (2%)
17 (8%)
Breaking Dawn
23 (11%)
Midnight Sun (at least what I have read of it)
8 (4%)
I don't have a favorite, I like them all!
80 (41%)
I don't like any of them.
1 (0%)

Votes: 193

Of the single votes, Twilight seems to be the favorite (no surprise there haha). My personal favorite is Eclipse. I just love all of the Edward-Jacob scenes, especially how Edward tries to keep Bella from seeing Jake and also the tent scene. Also of course the final show down at the end. Anyone care to share why their favorite is their favorite?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

International Release dates

Today is the UK premiere of Twilight so keep your eye out for coverage.

The movie will spread later this week to Spain, France, and Germany so European fans: the wait is almost over !!